Why cant I see begin_checkout_stape and purchase_stape

Cant debug begin_checkout_stape and purchase_stape at my sGTM, I see those events at the browser console, but not at sGTM debug

Make sure you have tags running on the web container that send data on these data layer events. You can check if any events are sent to the sGTM in the network tab of your browser by filtering requests by the url of your sGTM container.

Hey Alex, thank you for you response, I have the tags running on the web container

The tags begin_checkout and purchase are not being fired at the web container, but this is expected right? And I have also checked my network tab and after filtering by my sGTM url all that I’ve found are those 3 requests

Before the checkout everything works fine, the problem is at checkout

This is my sGTM debug screen

I dont know if this is right, but when i’m simulating a purchase and click the checkout button I got form_start and form_submit, instead of those 2 should be begin_checkout?

Do you have tags in your web container that work on the begin_checkout_stape trigger?
Are all changes published in your web container?

It’s normal that the preview mode of the web container doesn’t work on checkout events, unfortunately this is due to the way Shopify pixel api works. So to test this you need the web container to be published with all changes.

Server preview can work on checkout pages if you clear cookies and cache in your browser beforehand. Server preview will not work on Shopify checkout pages if you had an active web preview and did not clear cookies and cache afterwards.

Yes I do have the tags and triggers for stape, I imported a template that you guys provides. I have tried clear cookies and cache, I have also tried anonymous tab and other browser. None of this worked, I always get form_start and form_submit events instead of begin_checkout_stape and purchase_stape

Are the changes published in the web container?

Am I correct in understanding that this is about https://confianzastore.com? If so - I don’t see either GTM container or GA4 events on it now. It looks like it’s not active right now?

Yes, everithing pusblished in web container. After many tries I have removed gtm for this store (https://confianzastore.com/) and I’m trying in another store (https://longevitastore.com/)

I don’t see any problems at longevitastore.com.

Here is your begin_checkout event, it is sent to your server container:

Thank you so much Alex, I think the problem is just my gtm server debug, but as you showed me its working well.

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