TikTok Conversion API InitiateCheckout and Purchase event issue

I am sending “content_type”:“product” from sever to TikTok for InitiateCheckout and purchase event but Tiktok server test event showing error Invalid “InitiateCheckout” content type (only if multiple product in product array).
How i can solve this?

You can create your own contents array and override it contents value

Also, you can send the items array in ga4 format to the server and it will be parsed

Hi Denis thank you for your replay

I am sending GA4 ITEMS to server GTM. here i think tiktok tag automatically convert category into product type but when multiple products purchase then it became multiple product type that’s why tiktok showing error. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Hi there,

You should just create ‘contents’ on the web and pass that through GA4 with your other payload, then pick it up server side and explicitly send to TikTok. That way you control the whole pipeline.

Here’s an easy variable for you, just feed it your ‘items’, point the correct keys and receive TikTok ‘contents’.

Good luck!

Thank you very much Dan. I will try it