Status 302 and 304

Hello I got 302 and 304 error on site. Here are the screenshots. Is it due to Ad blocker?

Please kindly help. Thank you.

304 - means there is no need to retransmit the requested resources basically, if the file is already cached by the browser, this code is used to show that you don’t need to re-download the file as you already have the correct version. This status code is very often for analitycs.js

302 - Used by google for redirecting requests to network. That is used by Google to determine audiences. This depends on your settings inside Google Analitycs.
You can disable this feature in GA → Admin → Tracking info → Data Collection → disable both toggles and click on save. It can take up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect.

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@Denis Thank you soooooo much for such clear list.