Stape Store - How to send user_data via GA4 events

Hello there

I set up a stape store, where I am writing an event (purchase) with user_data (email). It’s working just fine, but then when I am trying to retrieve this using lookup variable, I don’t see this parameter being passed in the subsequent GA4 events (e.g pageview). How can I make sure all events have this user_data after purchase event? Added screenshots.

Purchase event via SST preview:

Subsequent pageview event via SST preview:

SST GA4 event tag:

SST lookup variable:


So what’s not working? Your screenshots are not showing a problem if you expect ‘user_data’ to be there in Event Data on page_view - it won’t be. That doesn’t mean you’re not sending it. Check the tag that fired and outgoing request, not event data

@Dan Ok I am checking the outgoing request and I do see the user_data on pageview inside the GA4 outgoing request. However, this is showing up even without Stape Store? I tried removing stape store variable, and the data is still there, so not sure how stape store is helping here.