Stape Shopify Google Ads Purchase is Not Working

I have a unique problem at the moment.

I have a client that uses Shopify.
I implemented their all actions via Google Tag Manager and recently we moved the GTM to Stape.

All events (include enhanced ecommerce) are working fine. I can observe data on GA4.
But unfortunately, Google Ads purchase is stopped working in Google Ads panel.
“google / cpc” traffic channel is collecting revenue and transaction, I can see them in GA4, but not in G.Ads

Even both GA4 and G.Ads purchase tags are using the same trigger, GA4 is working fine but not G.Ads conversion.

Is there a reason that I missed? Does anyone faced similar issue? To be honest I was searching the whole internet and Stape community for this, but I couldn’t find any solution.

what happens when you look at the tag in server debug?

Hey Dan,

Unfortunately I cannot reach preview mode after “checkout” page.
Even on the thank you page, GTM’s preview mode is not working.

Is there any way to open preview mode?

On Shopify, you can use previews, including on checkout pages. But it’s only a server-side container preview and there are a few conditions that need to be met for this to work:

  1. If you have previously run the web container preview - clean site data. Browser dev tools → Application → Storage → clead site data (do it on your site page).

  2. Changes on your web container have been published.

Then you can run the server container preview, open your site in a neighbouring tab and it should work including on checkout pages.

Hello @Alex ,

Thank you so much for your explanation.

But unfortunately, I’m not using any server-side tracking at the moment and I’m not going to use it for next period.
I’m just using the plugin because of dataLayer pushes.

So as you can check from the screenshot, both GA4 and G.Ads purchase tags are connected to the same trigger.
GA4 is working fine but however G.Ads purchase is not counting any.

My question was, is there any reason for this?

Can you please provide a link to the site in question?
Do you have the script added to customer events and is it active?

Hello Alex,

Sorry for our very late response,

This is web site:

Let me also little summarize what happened.

We used your plug-in to bring dataLayers to web site.

With the help of those dataLayer, I have set up GA4 Ecommerce events. Client-side not Server.

With same “purchase” trigger, I integrated Google Ads Conversion ; again its client side.

Even though GA4 purchase is perfectly working, In Google Ads panel purchase stop to work.

I waited couple of days, but unfortunately it did not work and then I switch to hard-coded version of Google Ads script into thank you page.

I hope all those are make sense

You have a consent banner problem here. On the checkout pages you don’t have the actual consent state, only the default state which is rejected.

Because of this you also have GA4 events being sent with a rejected consent which definitely causes data problems in GA4

Usually the easiest way to fix this is to add consent work via GTM. That way it will run in the same sandbox as your GTM container.
I recommend using Cookiebot, but generally any other CMP that officially supports Google Consent Mode and can be installed via GTM will do.

I thought same but did not understand why.

Actually I am sending CMP from GTM as you can see my ss. I am pretty sure you have faced clients who use Cookieyes. Basically Google Consent Mode dataLayers comes through directly by Cookieyes. And I am pushing through GTM. Why is it working good on every pages but not on checkout pages? Any idea

Problem is solved @Alex thank you so much. Basically cookieyes is compatible with GA4 native integration with App in Shopify, otherwise not working on checkout pages

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I haven’t worked much with CookieYes, but as I recall yes, in the case of Shopify they have separate guidelines for implementing it.