Server Side Ads Conversion + Merchant Feed Data

I am setting up server side ads conversion tracking for a client.

I have set up the Conversion ads tag - and rather than set the conversion value and currency code, i tick “provide product-level sales data” and to send event data.

I also want to send merchant feed data, but rather than select “custom configuration” and inputting the data there, I have set up a Merchant LookUp tag as per your guide.

I also have to do it that way as I can’t do “product level sales data” and “custom configuration”

I have two questions.

  1. In addition to the Feed Language “EN” where do I set the Feed Country to “GB”

  2. How do I associate this merchant data with the ad conversion tag so that it will send this data along with the conversion id and conversion label etc


Is it easier to do a custom configuration and grab transaction values and currency from the event layer

I would always recommend doing a custom configuration and not relying on automatic mapping where possible. One of the advantages of sGTM is that you have full control over the data you send, so it’s worth doing.