Questtion about Anonymizer power up (Log Files)

first of all it is great that the support here is so fast and helpful. Really appreciate it and very happy with stape.

I started today with the anonymizer Power Up. Is that correct that i see now for every event two log files?

And then one thing: I think the anonymizer power up is really “owerful” when user doesnt give consent and you want to use the google advacanced consent mode. But at the moment you can only activate it for all users. would be great when you could activate it by event parameter or something in sgtm

No, usually the request should be one. It is strange that you have two unless you are sending a duplicate request in parallel (on the second Client - Other).

And then one thing: I think the anonymizer power up is really “owerful” when user doesnt give consent and you want to use the google advacanced consent mode. But at the moment you can only activate it for all users. would be great when you could activate it by event parameter or something in sgtm

You can easily configure this on the GTM side. If consent is confirmed - use normal transport url. If not - use /anonimize

Hmm okay. i only have one client, so dont know why. have to look again, until then i deactivated it.

I got an answer yesterday from support that the answer is wrong. It is normal that there are two requests when anonymizer is activated.