Passing FBCLID from doman to doman issue

Hello, so I have a unique situation. I need to pass fbc from one domain (landing page) to another domain (booking page).

I know this is a long shot it might work or not in terms of tracking, BUT that will be tested, the most important thing is to pass the fbc from domain to domain.

Because the newly loaded domain is redirecting and thus stripping fbc.

Anyone interested to help, please watch this short video below where I explain the issue in detail:

So your situation is as follows:
click on a link on domain A → go to domain B → automatic redirect to domain C.

The only option to do something here to transfer cookies is to configure on domain B that the parameters in the url are transferred together with the redirect to domain C.

The Stape Store won’t help you here either, as you don’t seem to have any method of identifying the user to transfer the necessary cookie value. It is possible to pass some identifier to the url, but here you will face the same problem that it will be deleted on the middleware domain.


actually now, it’s Domain A → go to domain B → Domain B strips the fbclid and some other stuff from the domain cause it’s something like: domain b/location/127987481?fbclid and then the domain b strips 127987481?fbclid and it’s only domain b/location

But the answer is the same I assume right?

Yeah, it doesn’t change anything in general. You need to add some mechanism to pass url parameters through redirect

@Alex yeah get your point, that’s the conclusion I came too since I tried everything, even tried to get the variable back from server to web but it was a pain in the bottom…

Thank you for your reply.

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