No More Event Match Quality w/ CAPIG

We just set up CAPIG a couple of days ago. Everything seemed ok and our EMQ went from 6.1 to 8.3.
Today, we wake up to see no match quality score. Because we have just been installing this recent, and also got rid of sGTM, we’re not sure if this is our error, Stape error, or Meta error.
Any ideas on best way to troubleshoot? We hadn’t made any changes in between when we saw a score and when it disappeared. But, we also realize some data is delayed so that may not be the best way to judge.

First and foremost check if there are server events coming in? Not evident from the screenshot

Best way to check that? If I go to “Test Events” in FB, it says you have to be a developer to test the server events. I’m not.
On my CAPIG dashboard, it does show event activity as working 100%.

click this, you’ll see two charts blue for browser events, teal for server ones.

The events are definitely coming in. Just not sure why the event match quality disappeared. Was fine yesterday.

Just give it time then. If events are delivered, there’s nothing you can do about Meta’s UI