No data >24h after last container changes

Hello there,

We’ve made the last changes to both web and server container last Monday evening and after testing, put both new versions live. On Tuesday, normal amounts of data were received by GA4 and other tools. But since Wednesday somewhere in the morning, none of the tools receives data anymore. And the server container says “No tags were evaluated in this container. Please select another message in the left navigation bar to continue.” Our web container does fire tags (which happens accordingly to the triggers) , but that somehow isn’t communicated towards the server / server container. We have a custom server, set up with the Custom Loader power-up and Stape CDN within the EU.

We haven’t changed anything since Monday evening, so how is this possible? Has there been a small bug or something? Or is there a delay in data measurement after changes are made?

Edit, extra info: we have used about 1% of our Stape server capacity. This was renewed last Friday, so 48h after the issues occured, but has not solved the issues.

Many thanks in advance.

Having browsed your site I don’t see any GA4 events triggered. All I can see is the loading of the container and the gtag.
Could you please show me the settings of your Web GTM container with event tags and their triggers, and the Google tag settings?

Hi @Dmytro here are some screenshots.

The tag “GA4 Configuratie” for example triggers on all_page_views, same for the tag “Appzi”. They work well, as I’ve tested in GTM debug mode:

Here is the triggering on both our Google Tags (1x GA4 and 1x Adwords)

Last but not least, our GA4 configuration tag, with the “Google Tag - serverside config. settings” being server_container_url =

If you need more info/screenshots, please let me know! :slight_smile:

Perhaps you have changed something in your setup.
I don’t see the issue on your site at the moment. The container is loading successfully and requests are going to the server container.

Well we’ve found the issue, after overlooking it initially. Our internal policy is to use variables as value of parameters, so that if something needs to change, we only have to change it in 1 place instead of everywhere, which is error-sensitive.

And that was were the mistake happened. So we’ve made a variable server_container_url = …, which should have been a constant but was not. And therefore the “Google Tag - serverside config. settings” that used this variable didn’t work properly. Which is why nothing was sent to the server container.

We have changed the variable to a Constant and now everything works fine! Both in debugging and live :smiley:

Thanks for your time and help Dmytro!

This is a good approach to parameters value.

Glad to hear that you found and resolved the issue.