When I disable the option, then it assigns a unique ID which is persistent. Why does this happens, or should I just keep it disable. When we should use this option?
I am using Stape hosted transport URL, not using any custom domain mapping yet. I also realized Stape does not have init command in their tag template. Does this means that we have to pass the init library on the client side subsequently retreive the distinct ID on the client side and pass it the server through ga4 config tag? Or Stape handles this automatically. Not sure how automatic distinct ID will work, since it is assigning new id on every page load.
The Distrinct ID is generated and stored in the user’s cookies. Because you are using sGTM on a third-party domain, the cookie cannot be set, so you have a different ID for each event.
You don’t need to do init on client, all events can fully work server side.
I switched the domain from stape url to custom domain, and enabled automatic distinct ids, i see the distinct id changes in mixpanel with every page load.