Hi, so ive been running serverside only with Meta for a long time, but decided to add clientside to the setup, just so i could see the uplift im getting from serverside.
However in events manager, Meta says my dedupe is not meeting best practice, despite me sending the event id.
Also looks like it gets depuded in the events manager just fine…
I dont know if its because its too early and it needs more data? (only been 2 days) or because Meta is buggy as hell, since it is a lot of the times. Or mabye i am doing something wrong? I have screenshos of my configuration as well as event manager etc.
If you check and see that event_id is the same for web and server events - then there is no problem and it is just a glitch of Meta interfaces, which unfortunately happens more often than we would like.
Another cause of the problem is often overreporting. That is, in addition to events from your GTM containers you have for example also some plugin/integration active which also sends events and they cannot be deduplicated between your GTM events because they will have different event id.
But this is usually visible in test events and based on the total number of events, e.g. purchases.