I also join this question of what exactly is behind these indicators and what definitions they have.
From what I’m guessing ‘recovered from ad blockers’ is actually recovered events in GA4 because these events were blocked before being sent.
In the case of ‘recovered from tracking prevention’, it is not so simple because this traffic is not blocked, it is sent to GA4. I think the issue is that the attribution is recovered or the cookie is not removed in the long term?
When you use Stape’s custom loader and you have Stape Analytics active along with GTM loading, when the page loads, it also determines if the user has adblocker and is using a browser with ITP (Safari, Firefox, etc.).
Recovered from tracking prevention
This includes events that were sent from users from a browser with ITP.
Recovered from ad blockers
And this is where events that were sent from users who had an active adblocker defined.
This statistic generally shows how useful the server side is for a particular site. Since the % of adblockers and ITPs used by users depends very much on the subject of the site and its audience.
One site may have 50%+ users with adblockers, while another may have about 3-5%.
Adblocker events would definitely be lost without a side-tracking server.
With ITP it’s harder to determine, as it depends a lot on how quickly users make a conversion with you after clicking. Recall that ITP limits the lifetime of known click id cookies to 1 day.