Is the Bot Detection Power Up worth activating?

Hey peops,

Wondering how reliable/accurate is the bot detection power up? Will it block non bot traffic? How does it determine what is a bot and what isn’t?

I want to stop bots (who doesn’t) but I also don’t want it to prevent legit traffic.


Bot detection power-up does not prevent anything on it’s own. It gives you a conclusion on whether requests originates from a bot or not, that conclusion will be available in the headers of all requests received by sGTM.

It is on you to then use or not use it, and limit all or specific outgoing requests based on that conclusion.

So by enabling it you’re not losing anything automatically, rather you get an additional datapoint. My advise would be to whip up some test cases and see if it’s sufficient enough for your needs

Hi I am also looking to use bot detection. But I have the same question, being how reliable is the bot detection? What is the tool behind it, cloudflare or google recaptcha for example? What is the logic for true/false for the conclusion, above or below 50 for bot score?

Also What score could I use for a pretty high confidence for a bot, like above 80? I tried with my own browser in debug and got a score of 42, which is pretty high i think given I use nothing that can be related to a bot.

Bumping an old thread, but I’m interested in the answer to the above.

I was using the X-Device-Bot header (True|False), but maybe I need to learn more about the threshold for the setting of True.

Bot detection checks user agent + checks IP address to see if it is a known bot/service + does some other checks that cannot be disclosed.

Get more information on filtering spam in GA4 with Stape’s Bot detection power-up: Filtering spam in GA4 with Stape's Bot detection power-up - Stape