Is it possible to setup Microsoft/Bing Ads server-side tracking?

@Dan I’m currently using the ‘normal’ client-side UET tag in Web GTM to track ecommerce events. I’d like to move this tag to server-side GTM container to get all the benefits from server-side tagging such as improving page load speed.
Unfortunately, I can’t find a Microsoft Ads tag in the server-side GTM tag gallery and I can’t find anything on this topic on the internet.

My questions are:

  1. Is it possible to track events using server-side Google Tag Manager?
  2. If not, is there a workaround (using a custom tag template for example) to send events from server to Microsoft?

@Dan @Alex
Could you guys please give me some guidelines on this? Can I use this tag in server GTM to send data to Microsoft?


Hey @Md_Monirul_Islam

Microsoft doesn’t have official support for the conversion api so there is no way to configure this fully via server side. I think this will be realised sooner or later, but right now it’s not.
The tag you posted seems to just emulate the web tag running on the server. I doubt it will work well, but I haven’t used it so I can’t say for sure.

From the server, you can set up to send conversions to Bing in offline conversions format only:

The problem here is that offline conversions don’t support view-through attribution. So if you are actively using this attribution format and you want to send online conversions through the server - I would not recommend it, as this will cause server conversions to be less than web conversions.
If view-through attribution is not used - then this is a good way to do it.


Thank you so much for your insights.

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