"Inherit from client" Event name in sGTM

How accurate is the “Inherit from client” option in the different sGTM tags ? I am planning to send events via webhooks with the following names (standard event names): PageView, Lead & Purchase. And I will be using the Data Client.

If I choose the “Inherit from client” in all the traffic source tags, will these be matched correctly everywhere?

For example, for the Snapchat tag, will my “PageView” event name value match the “PAGE_VIEW” event automatically? or should these strings be exactly the same?

Or for the Reddit tag, will my “PageView” event name value match the “PageVisit” event automatically? or should these strings be exactly the same?

Standard event types will be mapped automatically. You can open any tag template you’re interested in and locate the dictionaries quick enough to see whats what

Gotcha, found the mapping in the code under the let gaToEventName variable mapping. If anyone is interested, here are the GA4 standard events used for the mapping: [GA4] Recommended events - Analytics Help