I'm not seeing server test events in FB Test Events

I have this setup but I’m not seeing server side requests in FB events manager tool

I’m still seeing browser events in the activity.

Also I dont see any GTM activity when I land on the site.

I’m not sure what I’m missing.

I have this custom conversion event installed on the landing page
< script>
fbq(‘track’, ‘Invisalign_LP’);
</ script>

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What trigger are you using for the Facebook pageview event inside the server container? It looks like the trigger inside the server container doesn’t work.

There are 2 ways for sending data to the server container:

  1. Using Google Analytics. To do that, you need to set up events inside the GA and update tagging URL. https://gtm-server.com/how-to-set-up-google-analytics-with-google-tag-manager-server-side-container/
  2. Using DataTag. You can refer to this article on how to use data tags. https://gtm-server.com/sending-data-from-google-tag-manager-web-container-to-the-server-container/.

Before setting up FB CAPI, you need to make sure that the Google Tag Manager server container sees all needed events and parameters.

I have these 2 custom conversion events called ‘Invisalign_LP’ and ‘Invisalign_TY’
How would I create triggers for these 2 custom events

I just have a 2 step funnel.

This is on the landing page.
< script>
fbq(‘track’, ‘Invisalign_LP’);
</ script>

This is on the thank you page.
< script>
fbq(‘track’, ‘Invisalign_TY’);
</ script>

The trigger for Invisalign_LP looks like this. Does this look right?
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 10.17.56 PM

Here’s the tag. I wasn’t sure if the Custom Event = Invisalign_LP is correct.
Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 10.20.00 PM

How do you send data to the server container? Using Google Analytics or Data Tag?

im not using GA

i have GTM and GTM server container tag installed on the landing pages

oh im not using DataTag. let me try that

I added the DataTag template

For some reason it won’t let me save this tag.

Also I added Custom {{Event Name}}

Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 11.38.15 PM

It looks like you try to install Data Tag on the GTM Server container. But it for WEB container.

Ive added the DataTag template to a web container and was able to preview and generate some data but the Facebook Pixel called Invisalign_LP isn’t firing off

Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 1.00.32 AM Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 1.00.53 AM Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 1.00.15 AM

Here’s the Trigger
Screen Shot 2021-05-05 at 1.05.05 AM

On your screenshots, I see that Data Tag didn’t fire because the trigger didn’t work.

Did you add Data Client inside the Server container? Data Client listens to the Data Tag and adds information to the server container. Do not forget to add GTM Server Preview HTTP header into the Data Tag. It allows seeing Data Tag requests inside the server container.

Once you see Data Tag requests inside the server container, you should add a Facebook server tag to trigger on the Data Tag event.
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