I can't send GA4 events in GTM web to GTM server


I have this GA4 configuration in GTM web and in GTM server, but nothing is sent to GTM server, I cannot understand the reason why it does not work, I have been doing this for weeks and no guide or video has helped me find the solution, I send screenshots of all the configuration I have

NOTE: If I do it with Data Tag it works, but with GA4 there is no way

Thank you very much in advance!

GTM Web:

GTM Server:

This could be because, for some reason, your GA4 queries are in some cases being sent directly to analytics instead of the server-side GTM container.
The usual reasons for this are:

  • gtag initialisation in code that rewrites your config from GTM (search for gtag scripts in the site code)
  • use of multiple ga4 configs (don’t do this)
  • linking GA4 and UA in settings + possibly old ga() scripts in code (disconnect it and remove ga() scripts from code)

I would recommend making a set of tests and checking in the code whether the request always goes to the server url. Or maybe sometimes it goes directly to google-analytics.com.


  • I am using the code that Stape gives us using “Custom loader”
  • I’m just using a GA4 and GA4 Events setup
  • I only use GA4, I don’t use UA, there are no old scripts, because it is an almost new domain that I only took it to do this configuration
  • With the server URL, do you mean ss.dominio.com or load.ss.dominio.com that is placed in the HTML?

I was also seeing that in GA4 none of my visits are visible, I think GA4 is not working for me either

What I don’t understand here is that with Stape Data Tag it does work for me, but with GA4 it doesn’t.

Here I share the domain where I am learning to do this https://purtymakeup.com/

I see that your GA4 requests are being sent to the server container normally:

But I also see that you don’t have a page view, this seems to be due to the fact that in Google tag you have the parameter false to send page view. Set it to true and it looks like the basic events are ok.

I already changed the page view to true, but I still don’t see anything on the server, here I attach 2 screenshots, one of the preview of the GTM web and another of the GTM server, on the server nothing is seen

GTM Web:

GTM Server:

Make sure you are using the server preview with the same url you are sending the request to. Often by mistake you may have a preview running on a different url of the server container.
Also try to check if GA4 is receiving events via debug view.

Hi Alex, I’m seeing that GA4 is not receiving events or visits or anything, what could be causing this?

Potential Causes:

  • Actual hits are not being sent. This may be because something is not configured correctly or because something is blocking these requests (e.g. CORS).

  • GA4 Propertys bug. It happens, but rarely. You can try just using another one to make sure it is not your option.

  • I can’t find any other reason