How to send these 3 parameters?

I have done CAPIG setup and my browser pixel is also there.

My Event Match Quality Score is 6.1/10 in meta events manager.

There is a recommendation to increase the quality score -

Send below parameters -

  1. Facebook Login ID
  2. Email and
  3. Phone number

How to send these parameters? Which additional setup required?

Please help

Facebook Login ID - this option may be available to you if you use Facebook authorisation on your site. If it is - after successful user authorisation via FB you can get this parameter and send it along with events.

Email and phone number - If a user lists their phone number and/or email somewhere on your site - send this data along with your Facebook events.

Thanks a lot Alex for your Inputs.

Could you please tell me how can i execute these?

Just so you know, I have a landing page where I am driving traffic through Meta Ads.

My Landing Page is hosted on WordPress.

I am collecting payments through the Razorpay payment gateway

@shilpa whatever tag/script that send your purchase events need to be populated with those parameters. So the question is how do you send pixel piurchase events and do you have any control over that

@Dan I am using Razorpay payment gateway to collect payments. I have CAPIG setup with $10 plan.

Do you think i should setup Conversion API setup through sGTM with $20 plan?

@Dan In the Past i used to send Purchase event data Through Zapier and still my attribution issue was there.

Then I switched to stape CAPIG .

Currently i am facing low attribution + EQM is only 6.1

Please help how to fix this.

  1. CAPI or CAPIG are irrelevant where payload is concerned
  2. Razorpay gateway tells me nothing unfortunately, question was how those purchase events get reported to the pixel and do you have control over that, this would be step 1 in helping you send tose additional parameters.
  3. EQM is determined solely by the amount of user data you’re sending, so again, question is how do you report to pixel and do you have any control over that