[HOW TO] Handle Sending fbp or External ID from sGTM Only but Not From Pixel Code Facebook Event Manager Issue

Most of the payments are made thru bank transfer later after checkout, so the purchase event will only fires when the WooCommerce order status is changed to processing (automatically or manually) in the wp-admin.

So, I will not be able to fire browser-based pixel (or I dont know how), thus below issue appear

You’re sending the external_ID parameter for your Purchase event from your server, but you’re not sending the external_ID parameter for this event from your pixel code. If you send external_ID for an event from your server, you should also send it from your pixel code for best results.

Below is the only data layer that I can get and used as external ID

Can somebody assist me how to resolve this?

I am using WooCommerce webhooks whenever order status changes and send it directly to sGTM and captured by Stape data client.

Thank you


  1. First of all I suggest you make sure that using that parameter is something you really want to supply as external_id to Facebook, see description here:
  1. If you like to use server data on the web, you can use the following method:
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This article does not show how to send data like external id from server GTM to web GTM.

@Md_Monirul_Islam there was a faulty redirect, please try Send dataLayer push from server GTM to web GTM in incognito if you have to, article describes specifically returning things from server to the web

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Thank you so much. Love your insights in this community.

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