How reliable are the Stape containers vs Google Cloud?

Hi there

I’m new to Stape.

I’ll be testing it thoroughly over the coming weeks.

I want to understand how reliable the Stape servers are compared to Google Cloud App Engine instances (running in production mode).

I measure uptime on all of our tracking servers. I see frequent outages for a few seconds up to 90 seconds in some instances. For high volume sites, that equates to a certain amount of dropped data.

Curious to hear what other’s experiences are of Stape GTM servers (for those of you who measure uptime)?



Stape uses a different method of scaling compared to Google Cloud App Engine.
The cold boot of the new instance should be no more than 15 seconds.

On paid plans, you should never see outages as we support not only horizontal scalings like App Engine and Cloud run but also vertical scaling.
We buy much larger servers than you use for sGTM on App Engine.
This allows us to set higher resource limits for your sGTM.
In case traffic increases very fast, we scale instances vertically, which is happening without any delays.
In parallel to vertical scaling, we also scale them horizontally.
So even if we need 10-15 seconds for provisioning new instances, you will not see downtime as we add more resources to current instances for some time.