Google business vertical remarketing tag

Hi, how can i add google_business_vertical:retail to my server side remarketing tags for item parameters? I am using the stape wordpress plugin. Thanks.

You can have two options:

  1. via custom javascript do it on the web container and on the server container send already items together with your parameter. This is usually the easiest to implement.

  2. Or more complex - on the server container. You need to create a custom variable template that will change items and add the parameters you need there. Then, for example, use transformation and replace items that comes to the changed one.

you can also use this template from gallery in the web container : GA4 Items to GAds Dynamic Remarketing Converter

hello, thanks for the suggestion. The template is working on the web container. I am trying to setup remarketing tag on the server container. When i send the item data to the server side it returns Object, Object in the debug view. Do you know how i can fix this? Thanks.

It is not possible to pass a custom array through GA4. This is a limitation of google tag.
You can do on the web container JSON.sringify on your array, that way it will be passed as a string. On the server container you will need to do JSON.parse (custom variable) to return this as an array.

But usually if you pass standard GA4 items with events - the remarketing tag will send product data based on that.