Google Ads: Server-Side Tracking with "View Trough Conversions"

Hello Stape Team,

First of all: Iam a paying customer and I love your product. Now I have a question that nobody has been able to answer so far. Not even Google Support.

At the moment we are using Stape Business with Custom Loader, Multi-Domains enabled.

Over the Tagmanager Iam integrating a GA4 Tag + Google Ads Tracking. I wanted to compare both conversion Events.

Google Ads is getting much more conversions btw (around +10%).

Anyway: Our traffic mainly comes fromes YouTube Ads. Around 50% of the users are clicking on my YouTube ad and everything is working fine.

The other 35% is seeing my brand and searching the product on google. My URL is organic on #1. Clicking on the organic result and converting.

The other 15% are entering the url by hand after they saw the YouTube Ad.

Normaly Google Ads should get those conversions counted as “View Trough” conversions.

Now the problem: Iam getting no “View Trough Conversions”.

I already asked Google and got an answer:


Thank you for contacting Google Ads Support. My name is Hanna and I will help you with your request.

If I have understood you correctly, you would like to record view-through conversions and analyze the data.

Unfortunately, view-through conversions cannot be tracked with GA4 and also cannot be displayed in GA4. View-through conversions are actions by users who have seen your ad but have not clicked on it. GA4 cannot track view-through conversions as it only collects data from users who have clicked on your ad.

To track view-through conversions, you would need to create the conversion action directly in Google Ads and also implement the Google Tag/Google Ads Tag.
It should also be possible to implement this with server side tracking. However, your webmaster should be able to provide better information here, as we unfortunately do not support server side tracking, as this special tracking does not fall within our area of responsibility.

I hope I have been able to answer all your questions and wish you a good day!

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me again by e-mail.

Best regards


gTech Customer Experience

Okay I understood its not possible with GA4. But is it possible to get those conversions with Stape Server Side Tracking?


Yes, view-through attribution works when reporting conversions directly from the web or from a server container.
How can you determine that you don’t have view-through-conversions? As far as I know Google doesn’t have any way to see why a particular conversion was attributed.

Okay but its not working for us. You can see the “view trough conversions” in your google ads. You have to add the column (See Image attached).

We have 50% conversions from people who watched our Video. Must be around 400 per day. So something is wrong.

It looks weird. Do you transfer user data along with conversions fo enhanced conversions?
This usually helps quite a bit with google ads conversions