Google Ads offline conversions


I have set up Google Ads offline conversion tracking for my account and need some guidance.

Background: In our scenario, we have a form on the site where people provide their requests and contact details. Later, the sales team calls and closes the deal. The payment and purchase happen offline. To report back the conversions to Google Ads, we have set up Enhanced conversions for leads. The setup is still from the web GTM container at this stage.

Problem: We have followed every step as per the Google Support blog. We have a User-provided data tag in the GTM container and a conversion action in Google Ads UI that has a type of “Import from clicks.” The sheet is also as per Google guidelines, and hashing of user data is in place. The sheet is shared with the Google ID provided at the time of scheduling the upload. The schedule is set for 12 AM every 24 hours. I can see the schedule completion as well.

However, the conversion action still says “Inactive” and “Set Import.” It’s been, I guess, three days. Also, to my knowledge, the conversion name should be exactly spelled in the sheet that we upload, which has been taken care of. Still, I don’t see the “Active” status.

Is this concerning? To my knowledge, the steps I followed are standard.

Please see the attached snapshots to understand what I mean.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!