Getting 400 Bad Request Error with stape-sgtm-nodejs despite Correct S

I’m experiencing a 400 Bad Request error while implementing server-side GTM using the stape-sgtm-nodejs library, even though the server configuration appears to be correct.

Current Setup

I’ve followed the implementation example from the repository:

const sgtm = new StapeSGTM({
  gtm_server_domain: '', // Tagging Server URL
  request_path: '/data',

The server-side GTM container is properly configured and collecting data - I can confirm this through the Stape logs where I see GA4 events being tracked.

Implementation Details

Here’s my current implementation:

async sendConversion(request, profile) {
  const eventData = {
    client_id: 'xx1736510679', // sample
    currency: 'JPY',
    ip_override: request.ip || request.connection.remoteAddress || request.headers['x-forwarded-for']?.split(',')[0],
    language: request.headers['accept-language']?.split(',')[0] || 'ja',
    page_encoding: 'UTF-8',
    user_data: {
      sha256_email_address: transformations.sha256hex(""),

    .sendEventData('page_view', eventData)
    .then((result) => console.log('result:', result))
    .catch((error) => console.log('error:', error))

Error Message

When trying to send events, I consistently receive this error:

error: Error: Something went wrong while sending the event.
  details: { status: 400, statusText: 'Bad Request', error: '' }

What I’ve Verified

  • The GTM server domain is correct and accessible
  • The server-side GTM container is properly configured and collecting data
  • The implementation follows the example from the stape-sgtm-nodejs repository

Has anyone encountered similar issues or can suggest what might be causing this 400 Bad Request error despite the server-side GTM appearing to work correctly?

A 400 error in the case of sGTM means that your request was not processed by any of the clients.

Do you have a Data Client on sGTM? Is your sGTM container published?