GA4 event tags show "No Google tag found in this container"

Hi Here,

I’m facing a weird issue with my setup and need advice on how to overcome it. Despite my attempts to debug from my end, I’m encountering unusual behavior with the GA4 property.

I have installed GA4 via GTM’s Google Tag, but the GA4 event tags in my GTM container still say “No Google tag found in this container”. Additionally, in the GTM preview, I see every tag firing correctly, and the status shows “Succeed” when I open the tag. However, neither the GA4 DebugView nor Real-Time view show any data about the visits.

The property has completely stopped receiving data for the past two days. When I go to the “View tag instructions” tab in the data stream, it says, “Your Google tag has been trashed. Before you can continue, you must either restore the tag or move your destination to a new tag.” Despite this, the GTM is intact, and the Tag Assistant shows GTM installed on the site. Since GTM is there and GA4 is installed via GTM, it should be there as well.

I’m not sure what’s going on and why the GA4 property is acting this way. I seek guidance on what can be done to overcome this glitch without losing my data. Please see the attached snapshots for reference.

Any advice or support would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Besides GA4 Event tags, did you add Google tag (previously called GA4 Configuration tag) to the GTM container?
But frankly I do not know why Google tag is being shown as trashed by system - this one is strange

Yes, the Google tag (configuration tag) is in the same GTM container. I’m also confused about why the event tag shows ‘No Google tag found in this container.’ It was working fine until last week.

Does this mean I should take a backup of my current data before June 30th and create a new property to send GA4 data to? I don’t think there is a way to make this GA4 property work.

In the GA4 interface, I see a notice stating, ‘Your Google tag has been trashed. Before you can continue, you must either restore the tag or move your destination to a new tag.’ However, since it hasn’t been deleted in the first place, I don’t have the option to restore it.

I’ve never seen such an issue before, that may be some bug. Try creating a new stream in the same property and send events towards a new measurement ID


Thank you for suggesting the creation of a new stream within the same property!
It never crossed my mind, and I was about to create a new GA4 property from scratch.
I created a new stream, and now everything works fine as it did before.

I’m glad it helped, thanks for letting me know!

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