Firestore lookup doenst work on 1 specific event

Hi, so my firestore lookups work on every single one of my events expect 1, which is a webhook im sending. My lookups on that webhook returns undefined and i have no idea why, since it works on every other of my events… any ideas? ive posted a couple of screenshots.

Here you can see on a pageview event that it works:

Heres another custom event where it works:

And finally here on my webhook event doesnt work:

My setup:
I am using stapes userid to access the document

You look up by Stape User ID. In a webhook scenario that id would never be the same as it is on your other events. Variable works correctly, it just doesn’t find any such values.

Stape User ID is tied to network, browser, IP and TLS settings. In a webhook scenario all of those would be different from the browser session.

ahh i see. Do you have any suggestions how i can fix it? Im really just trying to use consent on that webhook, since i use it as a trigger for a Meta Tag

use a datapoint that’s shared both in your normal events and in webhook, that’s the only solution for what you’re trying to do. Usually email is a good candidate