Few events dont appear in sGTM debug view


I have a this strange issue with my server GTM.

view_item_list and view_item events are not appearing in sGTM debug view though they are fired in web GTM.

This does not appear in my sGTM debug mode. But the other events like user engagement, page view, add to cart, begin checkout are appearing.

This is the same case for “view_item” event as well. However, when I see GA4 Debugger, I see both view_item and view_item_list in the GA4 debugger view. But those are not appearing in sGTM debug mode. Does anyone know why this error occurs?

Here is a screenshot of my sGTM debg mode, where you dont see any “view_item_list” event.

I would recommend checking via the browser console in the network tab that all events are sent to the server container. Often it can be for example that you have a second Google Tag on your site (in code or through some integration) and because of this configs conditionally overwrite each other and some events may be sent not to the server container, but directly to analytics (so there will be no server_container_url parameter).

It is also worth looking at the console for errors at the moment when the page view event should be triggered.

In your case I think the view_item_list tag is triggered before the Google Tag. You can use a trigger group for the view_item_list event - that should help.

Check our guide on debugging and monitoring server-side tracking configuration here: Debugging and monitoring server-side tracking configuration - Stape