Facebook Conversion API Tag: referrer_url

Hi Stape. It seems like the Facebook Conversion API tag is currently not transferring the referrer_url (the page_referrer parameter in the event data) to Meta. Could you either add it to the tag – or allow us to include it / override it?

Please see Facebooks documentation here: Paramètres des évènements de serveur - API Conversions - Documentation - Meta for Developers

The parameter is optional, but it’s value in the creating of custom conversions – for example, a custom event that triggers when someone visits from a search engine.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Hi, you can pass referral_url as an event parameter, where the key is referral_url and the value is {{Referrer}} from GTM Built-In Variable.


You can send any custom or optional parameter by adding it to the custom data section in the Facebook tag:

Thanks, Alex. However, this won’t work as the payload has to be structured like this:

    "data": [
            "event_name": "Purchase",
            "event_time": 1714382480,
            "action_source": "website",
            "referrer_url": "https://google.com",
            "user_data": {
                "em": [
                "ph": [
            "custom_data": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "value": "142.52"

Thanks shahzadaalihassan. However, the referral_url is already included in the data tag request. The problem is that it’s not included in the Facebook Conversion API Tag request (Stape’s Server Container tag for Facebook Conversion API).

Kasper, good catch! Passed this to the devs, we will add referrer url parameter in the tag, in the Server event data override section

Thanks, Alex! :slight_smile: Please let me know when it’s released.

Sure, will let you know here

Just jumping on this to follow as i would also be keen to see this feature deployed.