Facebook attribution when sending data from a webhook

So I need to setup tracking on click funnels, the only way I can get data from click funnels is by a webhook.

The issue is I can’t control what data they put in the webhook so I don’t know if they will add _fbc in it at all…

But, I have a page view event setup with GTM web and server container. I use data tag to send events to the server.

If I add _fbc inside the page view event of the data tag which will carry it over to the server, will the purchase tag on the server be able to pick up that _fbc and attribute the sale correctly inside facebook?

No, that’s not gonna work. For attribution to work correctly - you need all payload data to be in the webhook, including fbc, fbp, user ip address and user agent.
And of course other conversion data like value, currency.

If you have user data in your webhook - attribution can partially work on that data, but it will be far from good performance.

@Alex Thanks for the reply. Figured this after I had a consultation call with Dan from stape.

But in regards to your question, you sure facebook needs user ip adress and user agent to correctly attribute the data?

If I provide users email, fbc and fbp, wouldn’t that be enough for facebook to attribute the data correcly?

Cause from FB docs, the most important info is email and fbc…

@fahiraw the more - the better. of course email is the main heavyweight here, but any additional information is useful and would be utilized by FB algos.

@Dan that for sure, but for example in situations where I work with clickfunnels or GHL and the client has book a call funnel or something where the customer comes from an ad today and he ends up buying after 10 days etc…

In this case, I have to save fbc, fbp, data along with his email etc, so that when he makes a purchase I report back all that data…

So what you’re saying besides from fbp, fbc, email of course, I should also store ip address, user agent as well?

can’t hurt although wouldn’t be highest of priorities