Event Matching Click ID - 22%

Is there a way to receive 100% Click ID from server-side?

fbc is added only for the traffic from Facebook. For other traffic sources (like organic, Adwords, email, etc) there won’t be fbc parameter.

Thank you. Is there a way to test if all parameters are sending correctly, including Click ID??

Also, another question, how can I test if both Browser and server events are firing together, I tested through preview and I get a different Event ID?

We have detailed blog post with video on How To Test Facebook Conversion API implementation

That’s awesome thanks!

I couldn’t find the info what to do about different event ID.
Watched your youtube videos multiple times, explanation is awesome btw, but no info about Event ID.

In the video from the post, you will see how the process of debugging looks like.

After that, I can recommend starting with checking what exactly event_id sends from the GTM Web container to GTM SS.
Check the Event Data on the server and Data Tag values on the Web container.

Then check the console tab on the GTM SS debugger.

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Have you solved this different event ID issue between browser and server?

For me (WP Store) the culprit is the tag’s trigger. My FB pixel browser event triggered when DOM ready while GA4 triggered when container load

this takes to me stape.io can you repost a linK?

I think this would be helpful: Facebook conversion API errors and how to fix it - Stape