Enhanced Conversion data for Google Ads - server side

Enhanced Conversion data for Google Ads when there is no data coming from web

Hi guys

We do not have any enhanced data coming in from the web - all our enhanced data is created server side.

How can I send this enhanced data when sending a Google Ads conversion ?

Thanks kindly

Transformations, create a transformation that would create a user data object structured the same as the one sent with ‘user-provided-data’ variable from the web.

Alternatively you have a dedicated tag for that in the server container (User-provided Data Event)

Hi @Dan,

I have configured Enhanced Conversions Server Side using the Google Ads User-provided Data Event, and it seems to be working fine in Google Ads. However, I was wondering if there could be any issues with GA4 when using this method, especially when enabling “Allow user data capabilities” in GA4.

I’m referring to the bug Matteo Zambon has been discussing recently: Matteo Zambon on LinkedIn: ⚠️[ITA - USER-PROVIDED DATA COLLECTION IN GA4] ⚠️ Se hai attivato questa…

I’m curious to know what you think and whether it would be better to use transformations instead of the user data tag.

The data via Google ADS tags does not get into GA4 in any way so I don’t think there could be any problem with that.