Hi, I am using the Duplicate Transaction Checker Variable, but i am unsure, if i need to also write the purchase event with Stape store writer myself, or if the variable will write the transaction_id automaticlly to stape store?
The variable writes the transaction id automatically to the Stape Store
Hey @Alex are you sure it work with firestore? when i use it with STape store it works fine , but when i switch to firestore, i cant get it to work. It doesnt write anything to my document and it also doenst log anything when im in preview mode. I should have all the right permissions, because im able to write to firestore just fine with the firestore writer tag and everything
Am i missing something?=
@Alex Also its a bit unclear to me what i need to put in the event data soruce for the transaction id? Because the transaction id for GA4 purchase event is “transaction_id” but for in the event data for my shopify webhook its just “id” . My use case is that i bascially need to make sure that if we pick up the purchase on client side we dont send dubplicates to GA4 with webhook also. This way i can track 100% - but im unsure how the duplicate variable should work
Because i will be sending a a shopify webhook to GA4 and also the GA4 purchase event from datalayer will get sent to GA4.
I am sending the same transaction id and client id for both webhook and ga4 purchase event. I am not sure if i need to do any depublication then, or GA4 does it automaticlly? not sure how i handle this best