Data Tag / Webhook to GA4 Advanced Tag


would it be possible to use Data Tag / Webhook in combination with:

In theory this should be possible. Has anyone tried it yet?

Use Cases

Data Tag + Google Ads Offline Conversion
Especially for Google Ads, with Data Tag there might be better coverage / less blocking in comparison to the Google Tag. So more reported Conversions.

Webhook + GA4 / Google Ads Offline Conversion
Webhooks from a Shop or website could result in up to 100% of reported Conversions and it could be 100% Cookieless.

Looking forward to your answers!

  1. Yes, by all means for Google Ads Offline. Both from Data Tag and from Webhook.

  2. Webhook + GA4 Advanced. I mean it would work yes, it’s just set your expectations correctly: it will unlikely mirror normal GA4 functionality and there’s a lot of data you’d need to map manually if you’re aiming for parity with normal gtag hits.

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Also note that view-through attribution doesn’t work in offline conversions and this can have a big impact on conversion results. So it’s usually a good idea to track as offline conversions only the actual events that happen off-site.

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Thank you for that Info.