Data Tag Exception thrown when Script URL changed

Hi there,
I tried to change the Script URL in the Webcontainer from CDN from stape to another source (first via Stape File Proxy through sGTM and then a download-Subdomain) – in both cases the JS can be reached with a 200 and application/javascript, but in de GTM-Debugger I only see in the “Firing status” the vallue “Exception thrown”.
When I change the Script URL back to CDN from Stape the Firing Status is Succeeded

What am I missing here?

hey @eggersberger could you please share the screenshot of the Data Tag in question?

Thanks for your quick response!

Case 1: original Data Tag config with script source

Tag succeeded

Case 2: changed script source to

Tag Firing status: Exception thrown

@eggersberger you need to add that URL into Inject Script box in Data Tag template permissions.

When running preview if you look at Erros tab - it will tell you the reason for the exception, which would be that the URL in question is not allowed.

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Yeah – that was missing! Thank you very much! I think this information should be integrated into the infobox (at the moment the only text is “Url, where to load data tag script from, by default will be loaded from”)