Data client not claiming request from stape plugin

Hi… Im sending test webhook from stape plugin (wp+woocomerce), send succes but my data client not claiming the request.

Any help would be wellcome…Im geting crazy here :frowning:

Manage to fix that… Now data client is fire on webhook from stape plugin…
Still have problem with showing those events in GA4…

Your original problem is that you are sending requests to ‘/’
By default Data Client listens for requests on /data, but you can also configure custom ones in Data Client settings.

You can send data to GA4 via measurement protocol or via GA4 advanced tag:

Please note that in case of GA4 to receive events correctly you need to follow the structure of the request and a set of mandatory parameters, use client id and session id of the user so that these events are linked to the original user session. Configuring GA4 via webhooks is quite a complicated process and requires deep knowledge of GA4 mechanics.

General documentation can be found here: Measurement Protocol  |  Google Analytics  |  Google for Developers