Custom Loader configuration for Instapage

On our main website we use the Stape WordPress plugin to embed the custom loader.

We host landing pages on a sub-domain using Instapage. If I am configuring the custom loader manually, what user identifier do I set?

I’m likely misunderstanding some basics here, but would the aim be to use the same user id identifier on all sites (TLD and sub-domains)? In which case, which identifier option does the WordPress plugin use, and what option do I choose for the script generation for Instapage?

I assume you mean the identifier for the Cookie Keeer that you select when generating the custom loader?

If so - I don’t think you can configure this on Instapage, here’s more about Cookie Keeper IDs on other platforms: Prolong first-party cookie lifetime set by a third-party IP - Stape.

So for Instapage you need to generate and use the custom loader without the Cookie Keeper option (you can uncheck Cookie Keeper in the advanced settings when generating loader).