Clientside Meta in Shopifys checkout?


My clientside Meta tags in the checkout enviroment is not working (purchase, initiate checkout add to payment etc)

They all work on the server just fine. I am using Stapes Shopify datalayer.

The reason they dont work clientside, is it because of the sandbox in the checkout enviroment?

Is there anyway around this for clientside?

How have you determined that it’s not working and how do you have it set up? There’s nothing preventing the pixel from firing in that sandbox, assuming you’re loading gtm there etc.

When checking in FB events manager i only have clientside on all events that are not related to the sandbox. The events related to the sandbox only my serverside are working there.

I am using facebookarchive, Simos Fb template on clientside.
I also checked Meta pixel helper in the sandbox and network in dev tool, and nothing shows up there. If i do the same on every other webpage on the site it works just fine. Everything else is working fine the sandbox tho, just not clientside Meta … Im using Stape App with datalayer, and have configured everything in the app with custom loader, cookiebot, custom pixel etc.

This is my setup on the client side with Meta.
However when im looking at my setup i have a trigger group with cookie_consent_update , mabye thats why its not working in the sandbox because of my trigger?

Update: I just tested it.

It was indeed because i was using cookie_consent_update in my trigger that it didnt work.

Yes, it looks like sandbox doesn’t have an event from your cookie banner so the tigger groups don’t work