I put in place the Custom Loader feature and update script on my webpage accordingly.
Nevertheless, when Ad Blocker is activated on my website, the request to my server is blocked…
Thank you for this!
This seems to be blocking now the presence of ‘GTM-’ in the request. We are already working on a solution to replace this. In the next couple of weeks we will update the custom loader to bypass this restriction. We’ll let you know here when it’s ready.
Thanks for your feedback.
I believe Custom Loader must hide the id=GTM-ID at the end of the request path
Because many Ad Blocker detect this gtag/gtm patterns… Simo Ahava custom loader template on sGTM does it in a simple way and it works like a charm!
Judging by the screenshot you are not using the latest version of custom loader. Regenerate it in power up and use a new version that does not contain ‘GTM-’