403 Error when checking server request

After following the directions step-by-step my subdomain received this error so I tried using the default Tagging Server URL and still got the same issue. Not sure how else I can debug this.

Hi, did you use id of GTM Web container here?
Look like this is id of Server side GTM container.

Your container is not accessible from google servers https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-PB78KZC

There are two reasons for that:

  1. This is Server container GTM id
  2. You did not publish the init version of the web container
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I realized that I did not indeed publish the container. Does it take a while to register into the system?

I am using a server container GTM as I’m following the directions of this tutorial:

Does it take a while to register into the system?

Yes. But it’s up to five minutes.

I was happy to find Stape, so much easier and less expensive!
But no luck. I have this Error 403 issue.
GTM side, server is published. But my container is not accessible from google servers.
https://gtm.dossiers-sante-nature.fr/idjdhpua.js?id=GTM-NM3JSZB => 403
https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-NM3JSZB => 403
From Tag Manager, “Preview” does work (but of course no results).

Second test with new conf published and “green” as well in Tag Manager:
https://jidzmpuo.euw.stape.io/jidzmpuo.js?id=GTM-MHV7759 => 403
Third test with a new conf. Same.

It might be reason #1: “This is Server container GTM id” But I don’t know what that means.

Notes on documentation :

12. If you are using GA4 follow these steps: …
What is the difference between “WEB container” (where is it?) and “server container”?
And also:
My actual GA4 Tag configuration screen is a bit different: “Send to server container” shown on documentation is not showing on Tag actual configuration screen.

I spent hours but I am still stuck :frowning:


You can find out more info about the differences between Server GTM and Web GTM in this post What Is Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tracking? - Stape or in official documentation An introduction to server-side tagging  |  Google Tag Manager - Server-side  |  Google Developers

Hello Denis,
Thank you. I read them carefully.
I have a basic knowledge of server side tracking (I built my own basic server side solution some time ago).
I can’t follow precisely the instructions on the Stape tutorial page, as the GTM screens are a bit different. As an example, on my Client configuration I don’t see “Client permissions”.
But I did follow the video “How to set up Google Tag Manager Server-Side tagging on your website?” .
Still, I am receiving 403s.
This not a Stape issue but a Google issue, some settings somewhere.
Do you think you could look into my problem ? Shall I request a quote ?

We provide paid services through our agency. Server-Side Tracking Agency - Stape
You can submit a Request for consultations where we will assist you with this.

However, I think you are trying to use Server GTM id instead of GTM web in the URL, which is the problem.

I submitted a request for consultations.
You are right, I do use a Server GTM id.
Because I can’t find anything looking like a “GTM Web Container Id”.
Where is it?

Denis here refers to an id of the WEB container, not server one.

You don’t embed server container anywhere, it sits in the cloud and handles requests you send from the WEB container, which you embed to the site as usual.

Hello Dan,
Thanks for your help.
I think I am ok with the concept.
But my problem here is that I can’t find any WEB Container Id.
Where is it?
Any screenshot example or direction?

Sure, it’s where the purple rectangle is, pattern GTM-XXXXXXX

Thanks Dan
This is the one I have been using from the start.
Always 403.
It seems I am out of solutions now, unless some expert from Stape can handle it for me.
I’ll try that.
Have a good day.

Sorry, I’ve spent an entire afternoon watching the videos and banging my head against the wall to get this to work. None of the documentation is clear enough on the language or the steps to get this setup.

I figured it out. So I’m adding the solution.

You need 2 CONTAINERS in your tag manager setup.

One would be a Web Container and the second a Server container.

  • You have the web container installed on the website and it collects the data.
  • The collected data is sent to your server container.
  • From the server container, the data is sent directly to the platforms you use.

OMG! Thanks @Famcom ! I have finally found how not to have 403…

@Denis I am sure your documentation could be greatly improved by clearly pointing that!

I think the issue is that your documentation How to set up Google Tag Manager Server Container - Stape consider that the reader already have a Web container configured.

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